Tuesday 2 August 2011

3 easy ways to boost your insulin sensitivity and burn more fat!

If you're looking to shed fat, then you may already know that insulin sensitivity is a serious ally in your fat loss arsenal. Insulin sensitivity describes your body's hormonal responsiveness to glucose and your ability to metabolise that glucose. When this function is impaired, we call it insulin resistance or metabolic syndrome, which is the state in which the cells have a diminished ability to respond to insulin secreted in response to sugar in the bloodstream. Consequently, the pancreas produces and releases an abnormally high level of insulin in order to process glucose and regulate blood sugar levels, with associated health issues, including excess fat storage (particularly in the abdominal region), diabetes 2 and hardening of the arteries.

So, what can we do to increase our insulin sensitivity?

Well, firstly, we can exercise more. I know being a trainer it was kind of inevitable that I'd say that, but research on 'Exercise and Insulin Sensitivity' in the International Journal of Sports Medicine (Borghouts & Keizer 2000) found that in both insulin sensitive and insulin resistant populations insulin sensitivity was increased for up to 16 hours after a single exercise bout, as well as illiciting a multitude of adaptations in glucose metabolism and transport.

Secondly, we can add a little spice to our lives. Adding just 2-3 teaspoons of cinnamon to your diet per day has been found in numerous studies to lower blood glucose post meals, reduce fasting insulin levels, speed up gastric emptying and counteract sleep deprivation induced temporary insulin resistance. And it tastes great in a protein shake - WIN!

My third tip for optimising and taking advantage of your insulin sensitivity is to never miss a post workout shake. Taking a post workout drink immediately after training has been found to up protein synthesis (essential for repair and restoration of your metabolic furnace and fat burning action station, lean muscle tissue) by a whopping 300%, compared with only 12% if you leave eating until a few hours after training.

So, the take home advice on increased insulin sensitivity and faster fat loss is to up your exercise (the RIGHT sort of exercise though - more on this to come..), supplement with cinammon and don't forget your post workout shake when you next hit the gym.

To Your Success!



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