Tuesday 25 January 2011

Why lifting weights is good for your bones

You've probably heard it said that weight training is good for your bones. Particularly if you're a woman, you've probably also heard that it's great for safeguarding you against osteoporosis. But do you know why?

Increasing what is known as bone mineral density via resistance training is a long process (6 months or more), but the mechanics of adaptation occur after just a few workouts. When we overload our bones with enough load, we eventually reach the point of minimal essential strain (MES); an indicator to the body that it's skeletal threshold has been reached and that new bone formation is potentially required. Reaching this threshold on a regular basis initiates the transit of collagen secreting cells called osteoblasts to the area of stress on the bone surface. On reaching the outer surface of the bone(periosteum), the osteoblasts deposit collagen molecules into the spaces between the existing bone cells, thus increasing it's strength. These proteins form a bone matrix, which in turn becomes mineralised as hydroxyapatite (calcium phosphate crystals), thus increasing the bone's diameter and strength.

Formation of new bone occurs only in stressed areas, so when training to elicit maximal osteogenic stimuli (variables that promote new bone formation) and corresponding increases in bone mineral density (BMD), exercise selection is key.

The biggest bang for your buck exercises when it comes to increasing BMD are multi-joint, structural exercises like the back squat, deadlift, power clean, snatch and overhead press (the latter for upper body). Conveniently, these are also some of the most effective exercises for reducing body fat and developing strength and power.

As with the development of all facets of fitness it's important to overload the body/skeleton progressively by following a well structured programme. Studies have also indicated that exercises presenting varying directional forces on the bone leads to the laying down of collagen fibres at different angles in order to dissipate the imposed forces and conform to the lines of stress experienced, thus resulting in a stronger internal architecture.

The take home message then, is to weight train using exercises that present a variety of distributional and directional force vectors in order to maximise your bone mass, increase your skeletal strength, and protect yourself from osteoporosis.

Plus you'll burn fat, get fit and look hot with it! :)

Action for Happiness

Action for Happiness
Lord Richard Layard
23rd of January 2010

Founded by Alain de Botton, the School of Life calls itself “a new social enterprise offering good ideas for everyday living”. Once a month they organise a secular alternative to a church sermon, delivered by experts in subjects ranging from envy and hope to sexuality and good design! On Sunday the 23rd of January our intrepid Office Manager, Sarah, attended a sermon delivered by Lord Richard Layard on the subject of happiness.

Layard is the founder of the influential Centre for Economic Performance at the LSE and has advised the government since the 1960’s. Most recently, his attention has turned to researching national happiness, and he has published a book of his findings called Happiness: Lessons from a New Science (2005). He has also co-founded Action for Happiness, a social movement which aims to increase national levels of happiness. This is what he had to say:

Why does happiness matter?
• In Government, and in society in general, there is a reluctance to use the word ‘happiness’ – people seem to prefer the less emotive word ‘wellbeing’
• Layard suggests that happiness, apart for being self-evidently good, is the ultimate good for people, and is in direct contrast to misery.
• He cited a number of studies that showed that helping others (altruism) activates the reward centres in the brain, making people who commit acts of altruism happy. In comparison, acts of selfishness decrease people’s feelings of happiness.

The causes of happiness
• Increased income has been shown to have a weak link with happiness. Lottery winners’ overall happiness increases for the first couple of years after their win and then returns to average levels.
• Human relationships: the quality of your home life, work life and community (not feeling threatened by others) are all highly linked to happiness
• Personal mental health: your inner sense of self is also related to happiness.

GREAT DREAM – 10 keys to happier living.
Layard suggests the following actions to increase personal happiness:
Giving – to other people, and helping others
Relating – to others
Exercising – endorphins!
Appreciating – noticing the world around us. Layard suggests keeping a gratitude journal and making a daily note of 3 things to be grateful for
Trying new things – increases the connections in the brain. It can be as small as taking a different route to work or doing one of your daily tasks differently.

Direction – choosing goals that are achievable. Realistic goals that are also challenging
Resilience – Consciously choosing to have a positive attitude
Emotional Positivity – optimism and gratefulness
Acceptance – of ourselves and others. This includes being forgiving of our own and other people’s failings, and stopping engaging in negative comparisons with other people
Meaning – knowing that we are related to something greater than ourselves. Spirituality.

The lecture ended with everyone getting cups of peppermint tea and ‘happy pill’ cookies made by the people who made these Self Centred biscuits for another of the School of Life’s sermons. YUM!

Thursday 13 January 2011

Precision Nutrition

Nutrition. It's a bit of a minefield right? I have to say even
for us trainers, the constant bombardment of nutritional
information today can be confusing, particularly when the less
helpful 'gurus' out there actually use guilt trip techniques to
make you feel bad for not knowing certain principles. So how on earth do you
know what works?

Well, here at Phoenix Pro we are determined to make it really easy
for you to a) understand nutrition and how it applies to your goals
and b) apply it consistently so that you can live your life, enjoy
your food and NOT feel confused, or like you are on a 'diet', or
that no matter how hard you try nothing works.

The Phoenix Pro Precision Nutrition Course is an 8 week course
covering everything from your supermarket shop to your
macronutrient balance, from meal patterns to menu.

This course is NOT about insisting you rattle with supplements, or
turn vegan, or think of every mouthful in terms of points. Just
sound, science backed nutritional principles, used by the GB
athletics squad, and thorough coaching on how to easily apply those
principles to your life and goals.

Our private nutritional programme is £269/person for 8 weeks,
but for just £75 you can learn everything you need to know to
finally understand, implement and actually ENJOY nutrition
with our 8 week Precision Nutrition course. We guarantee it
will take the handbrake off your fat loss and performance results.

The Course begins on Saturday 12th February at 9.15-10am, and will
run at the same time each week for 8 weeks. The course is open to
members and non-members of Phoenix Pro Fitness and is already filling up,
so if you want to reserve a space act now! For more information or to book
your spot call 01483 801150, or email info@phoenixprofitness.com

Tuesday 11 January 2011

Kettlebell Training in Surrey!

With statistics showing that over 46% of Britons are now overweight, it’s not surprising that beating the bulge was once again top of the new year resolutions list this January. But if your good diet and exercise intentions have fallen by the wayside already, help is at hand.

Phoenix Pro Fitness is proud to present the return of their ever-popular kettlebell class in their new fitness club in Godalming. If you haven’t heard of kettlebells before, they are absolutely unparalleled in their ability to simultaneously melt fat, develop lean, strong muscle, turbo charge fitness levels and develop flexibility, all in one hit! Which is why they feature massively in TV weight loss shows such as the Biggest Loser.

For just £99 you will benefit from 10 weeks of scientifically designed progressive training, and will master all of the foundation kettlebell techniques under the expert guidance of UK Personal Trainer of the Year, Charlotte Ord, and her top class coaching team at Phoenix Pro Fitness.

The 10 week course begins on the 5th of February, and will take place each Saturday morning at 10am.
Spaces are limited to ensure plenty of individual coaching and are already being snapped up, so secure your place today by calling 01483 801150 or emailing info@phoenixprofitness.com

It’s time to start throwing your weights around!

Monday 3 January 2011

Sixty Fits!

If you are over sixty and looking to make a big difference to the way you look, feel and move then here at Phoenix Pro Fitness we're thrilled to introduce our new programme specifically for you.

'Sixty Fits!' is a comprehensive 8 week exercise, nutrition and lifestyle course designed to melt fat, reduce aches and pains, improve your health and fitness and ultimately ensure that you get the very best out of your body over sixty.

For more information about the programme please visit the website at htt://www.sixtyfits.com or contact the Phoenix Pro Fitness team on 01483 801150.

Sixty Fits! - improving health, mobility and fitness at sixty and beyond!