Thursday 2 December 2010

Top tips to help you stay cold free this winter!

Hi {!name},

Here's some top tips from my team at Phoenix Pro Fitness to help
you stay cold free this winter!

1. Water soluble vitamins. Vitamins B complex and C are not stored
in the body and excess amounts are passed through our urine so it’s
important to ingest a daily supply and this is especially important
during the colder months. High levels of these vitamins can be
found in green leafy vegetables, asparagus and whole grains.

2. Vitamin D. It’s a fat soluble vitamin that we obtain from skin
exposure to sun light and from egg yolk and oily fish. One of its
many functions is to assist with a healthy immune system which is
essential when our bodies are trying to fight off the many cold and
flu infections present during the colder months. When daylight
hours lessen during the winter and with most people working and
staying indoors our exposure to sunlight is drastically cut leading
to a reduction in vitamin D. Include 2-3 portions of oily fish each
week or supplement with a high quality cod liver oil which also
includes a good amount of EPA and DHA fatty acids.

3. Vitamin A. Another fat soluble vitamin found in abundance in
yellow, red and orange fruits and vegetables. It assists in the
optimal function of the immune system and wound healing. You would
be wise to make sure you are getting enough of this vitamin too.

4. Greens Drink. A super food supplement made of wheat grass, alf
alfa and barley grass. It’s packed with all 59 essential nutrients
including 13 vitamins and 22 minerals. It is a great way to
increase your nutrient intake without much effort to keep you in
tip top health.

5. Clean pure water. Essential to life. It’s always important to
ensure you are hydrated throughout the day. The darker the urine
you pass the more dehydrated you are likely to be. Urine needs to
be clear or light in colour. Try to sip drinks throughout the day,
coffee and tea count as water intake too.

6. Echinacea. A herbaceous plant from the daisy family which
stimulates the body’s immune system and wards off infections.
Studies have shown that it can reduce the chance of catching a cold
by more than half and reduce the duration of the cold by an average
of 1.4 days. It can be bought dried in capsule form or as a
tincture at health food shops. Well worth dosing up on!

7. Hand sanitizer. You might be the most hygienic person verging on
an obsessive compulsive disorder, but all it takes is someone else
to cough into their hand before grabbing onto the hand rail in the
train just before you touch it and you could well be the next host
to a nasty cold virus. Taking a hand sanitizer gel with you is a
convenient way to keep your hands germ free.

8. Exercise. Keeping to your training regime may be awkward and the
last thing on your mind during the cold nights but giving yourself
a thorough cardiovascular and strength conditioning session will
make sure you stay as healthy as possible. And healthy people very
rarely get ill.

9. Get enough sleep. A crucial period when growth and repair to the
body occur. Lack of sleep has been shown to increase the risk of
illness as well as stress which in itself can lead to an increased
risk of becoming ill.

Stay Strong,


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