Thursday 30 December 2010

For The Sake Of Auld Lang Syne…

For The Sake Of Auld Lang Syne…

Twas the week after Christmas, when all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.
The cupboards were stocked with food to prepare
For that annual diet which again you must bare

So here we are, that time of year has come around again. After the indulgence of the Christmas period millions of people once again catch a glance at themselves in the mirror and are in for a bit of a shock.

December is no longer the bearer of the day of indulgence. Instead December is now seen as the month of indulgence. With shops holding Xmas stock as early as November, and organisations competing for spaces at their local eateries for their Christmas doo’s, the Xmas period can now last from November well into the New Year. With the Xmas period being longer, the amount of food that one can eat in such a period can be astonishing. But hey the damage is done now, wipe that slate clean, re-stitch the button back on your trousers and let’s look to the future!

For The Sake Of Auld Lang Syne….

Every day people make the decision to change their lifestyles to shed the pounds, but more people do so just after the Xmas period.

I asked my good friend Jeeves what the top 10 New Year’s resolutions were and unsurprisingly the results were as follows:

• Stop smoking.
• Get fit.
• Lose weight.
• Enjoy life more.
• Quit drinking.
• Get organised.
• Learn something new.
• Get out of debt.
• Spend more time with the family.
• Help others.

Seem familiar?

Increasing your physical activity whilst improving your nutritional practises can help you achieve at least 75% of these common resolutions, so you are well on the right track!

But not so fast!

You may already have your gym membership, you may have your new ipod from Mummy loaded with your favourite songs ready to treat your ears as you hit the treadmill, but how are your functional movement patterns?

‘My Functional Movement Whats?!?’

Ah ha! You didn’t even think about that did you?

Not surprising, many people don’t!

Many members of the public begin their new year’s resolutions with gusto performing high level activities even though they are inefficient in their fundamental movement patterns. This is not surprising considering the arsenal of glitzy glam training equipment that is now available to one and all in training facilities across the country.

Everyone wants to use the most exciting new bits of kit whether they are ready for it or not. Kettlebells for example look far more exciting than a bar and some plates, but sometimes a bar and some plates is all that is needed for that person at that time to get them the results they want, in the time they want without risking injury.
It is just like at Christmas. The socks you were given may be uninspiring compared to the blending, frying, flying tin opener, but which one will last you for many years to come whilst offering consistent service? I guarantee you it will be the socks! Training is exactly the same, for beginners the basic, sometimes uninteresting exercise movements are often the best for the job!

Without knowing it though, these eager ‘give me the heaviest kettlebell’ individuals typically continue to promote or even create poor movement patterns, by failing to correct their imbalances, failing to train their weaknesses and train around pre-existing niggles and injuries rather than addressing the original causes.

With their weak links unidentified, the body finds new ways to compensate, causing inefficient movement. It is this type of inefficiency that can cause a decrease in the performance of the client (and thus results) and increase the risk of injury.
A huge benefit of working with a highly qualified personal trainer is that they should have the ability to individualise a progressive programme for you that is not only based upon your weak links, but that can deliver the results as and when you want them.

Although the kit and assessments used may seem simple it is the skill of the trainer that can put such information to good use. Here at Phoenix Pro we use the FMS or Functional Movement Screen.

The Functional Movement Screen

The FMS is a ranking and grading system that documents movement patterns that are key to normal function. By screening these patterns, the FMS allows the trainer to identify functional limitations and asymmetries.

From just a few short tests a score is developed, which is used to target problems. The score is then analysed and the trainer is left to identify those exercises that will be most effective to restore proper movement and build strength in that individual.

The FMS is not just a one trick pony though, (For Apprentice fans…it could be argued that it is a whole field of ponies!), the screen acts as a systematic tool to monitor our clients progress and movement pattern development in the presence of changing fitness levels, which allows us to adjust our corrective strategies and programming as our clients progress.

Feet First!

So before you eagerly jump feet first (watch the ice!) into your fitness mission for the new year, avoid an injury and ensure that you address your asymmetries! Treat your body to a pain free and results based future!

Here at Phoenix Pro we offer a full functional movement screen as part of our £69 month’s trial, but we also have a fantastic open day coming up at our premises in Godalming on January the 6th where as well as a number of other treats and service offerings we are offering a free FMS for every individual attending!

Don’t Miss Out!

Happy New Year and good luck in all of your 2011 ventures!

Scott Marsh
S&C Coach

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