As part of our commitment to providing our members with the very best in exercise and nutritional information, our staff regularly train with the leading names in the field.
Earlier this week we had the pleasure of training with Brian Hamill, Head Coach of the South Eastern Counties Weightlifting Association and Staff Coach for the British Weightlifters Association. Brian has trained a number of world class weight lifters and Olympic athletes and at 73 years of age is a perfect example of why lifting weights is good for you!
So why is Olympic lifting in particular good for you?
Well, firstly, these total body movements recruit a huge number of muscles simultaenously, meaning a significant metabolic demand and consequent fat loss.
Secondly, and as perfectly demonstrated by Brian, olympic lifting encourages the use of the body's full range of motion, meaning that from a performance and general day to day perspective you are more flexible and more resilient to injury.
Thirdly, training movements such as the clean, jerk and snatch significantly strengthens the neuromuscular connection, meaning increased speed, force generation and overall performance, whether that be in a sporting or aesthetic context.
Finally, these fast explosive movements develop kinaesthesis, or bodily awareness, which results in better balance, better coordination, and thus better results.
You don't have to be an avid weight lifter or athlete to benefit from these power based exercises. Here at Phoenix Pro we start with the very basics and very light or no loads to ensure that technique and range are developed before any progressions are made.
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